Thursday, August 12, 2010

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault on linux and mac

It is fundamentally stupid for programmers of games and software to limit the scope of their graphics to certain branded cards. That being said, I believe EA Games should be sued, Along with ASPYR media, for putting out a game and saying it is compatible with MAC when it crashes every ten seconds because of graphics issues. It cannot even be wrapped inside of WINE for the same reason. It does not use a proper subset of DirectX, but instead, relies on certain pieces of DirectX that cannot be duplicated or translated by OpenGL. The shaders and vertex graphics used by MOHAA are an extension (expansion) of the Quake engine and they don't comply with open standards. That means that you can only play this game from within windows itself, using windows-only compatible graphics architecture. Linux systems rely on VOODOO drivers to access the graphics cards, which is mainly an emulated card in itself (unless we're talking about a VOODOO branded card), with openGL translation of graphics. What's the problem? Unlike every other Quake Engine Game, MOHAA does not use the standard shader calls, instead, they tried to build their own and ended up ruining compatibility. Because they tried to build their own shaders, there is more memory leakage, and while windows is a crappy OS to begin with, it expects this kind of programming and just lets it go. Other OS'es do not allow errors of this type. They will start to complain or stop the program when the number of these errors reaches a certain boundary. When they are told to let the errors pass, eventually the memory on the graphics card overflows instead of refreshing and the graphics just get screwed up. Why is this an issue? The companies sold a game without testing it!!!!! They are still SELLING IT!!!! Even though they know it doesn't work!!! I'm not advocating a boycott, only pointing out a flaw in their business design. If somebody could build a different architecture into the WINE wrappers out there, instead of using the VOODOO standard driver, it might actually enable games like this to play on the mac using the windows version. Of course, I'm also shouting that the game companies are shitting on the little guy. At the very least, they should've made a solid note on the boxes about not using certain architectures. Hell, they could pay a few bucks to their programmers to rebuild the game with the proper shader support and do away with the problem completely.

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